Domestic Violence Hotline: (888) 385-4657
Relationship violence can be defined as, “Threats or assaults by one person against another in a family or intimate partner-styled relationship in an attempt to control or alter another’s behavior through the use of fear, force, or humiliation, regardless of age or gender.” Acts of relationship abuse are usually categorized as: physical, emotional, sexual, and economic.
Consider the following behaviors:
No spouse, friend, or relative has the right to harm or hurt those they love or who are in their care.
Domestic Violence Hotline: (888) 385-4657.
In any emergency or if you are experiencing a serious threat to your health or safety do not hesitate to call 911.
Read the Relationship Bill of Rights from the Center for Community Solutions
East County phone number: (619) 697-7477
24 Hr Crisis line: 1 (888) 385-4657
None of these behaviors (physical, emotional or sexual) are healthy or respectful
How children are affected by living with and witnessing domestic violence
Preventing Elder Abuse
Thinking of hiring a caregiver for your loved one?
What you should know before hiring help in the home.
10 tips to help you reduce the risk of becoming the next victim of financial elder abuse
Child Sex Trafficking
KNOW THE SIGNS: Child Sex Trafficking – Recruitment occurs at schools, malls, sporting events, concerts, trolley and bus stations, homeless shelters, neighborhood parks and online. It is not specific to any socio-economic group.
Get more information: Visit the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops “Anti-trafficking Program” web page.
Help with this Ministry
We are a Safe Place Faith Community: Providing safety, resources, and hope to those experiencing violence in their everyday relationships. Read the brochure to learn more about the program.
Safe Place Faith Community Brochure
Nan D’Anna
Leave a message, please.
Meeting information
Meetings are held on an as needed basis.
Mission or goal
Safe Place Faith Community provides support to parishioners, their family and friends who suspect or know of domestic violence in their everyday relationships.
We educate parishioners about kinds of abuse, signs of abuse, and community resources that may be available to help the victim/family. We provide twice-yearly vestibule displays including informative handouts.
Meetings occur as needed to plan a vestibule display. Much communication occurs through e-mail.
Domestic Violence Hotline: (888) 385-4657.