The sacrament of reconciliation (also know as the sacrament of penance, of conversion, of forgiveness, or simply as “confession”) is one of the two sacraments of healing, for it heals the Christian of the greatest sickness, sin, which corrupts our true humanity and separates us from God and from each other. The other sacrament of healing is Anointing of the Sick.
Our confessional in the church offers the option of confessing behind the screen for anonymity or face to face. You may choose what you prefer.
Use this examination of conscience to prepare yourself for confession: Fathers of Mercy Examination of Conscience.
Requirements: A child must be in grade 2 or older, have had a least one previous year of religious education, be baptized and enrolled in Sunday Religious Education or attend Catholic School, to enroll in sacramental prep for Reconciliation. Contact our Catechetical Ministry Office for more information.
God has a passionate desire to pardon our offenses and restore us to grace. The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains the need for for the sacrament of reconciliation (also called penance and confession). “Sin is before all else an offense against God, a rupture of communion with him. At the same time it damages communion with the Church. For this reason conversion entails both God’s forgiveness and reconciliation with the church, which are expressed and accomplished liturgically by the sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation” (1440).
The Catechism further instructs that we are obligated to confess our serious sins at least once a year, and that anyone aware of having committed a mortal sin must not receive Holy Communion before confessing and receiving absolution, (1457). Confession of smaller, venial, sins is strongly recommended by the Church, and doing so on a regular basis helps us to form our conscience, fight against evil tendencies, let ourselves be healed by Christ, and progress in the life of the Spirit, (1458).